Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Fineshrines Final Website

We have completed our website for our band 'Fineshrine'. We decided to stick to basic colours such as greys, blacks and whites as this works best with the style of our band. The website opens with a picture of the band so that people can see who is in the band. There are many other options to also click on so that you can see what the band are doing, photos of behind the scenes, their latest new and videos.

Our website contains many photos of the band as well as backstage pictures of the filming of their new music video 'Fineshrine'. We included this as on other artists websites they include photos and information on what they are currently up to which gives an insight to the audience of what the band are up to.

We included a section on how Reverie became a band and a bit about their history as fans are always interested to know what bands did before they started producing music. The rest of the sections include information such as an online store, contact information and behind the scenes.
We have made it very easy to use so that people of all ages understand everything on the website. The photos are all very self explanatory as well as the text being easy to read.

Below is the link to be able to access the website for our band 'Reverie':


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