There was a lot of preparation needed in order to do our shoot. We made sure that a few days before the shoot that we had all of the props that we needed together. We didn't actually have any problems with props and we did have everything that we needed. The day before the shoot we went into the studio and set up the first set. As we had two sets that we needed which were the bathroom and bedroom. The day before though we just set up the one which was the bathroom as that was what we were going to film first. It didn't have any lighting though at this point so the set looked very simple but ended up look really great. Setting up for the shoot made me very nervous as it was so soon and there was a lot of pressure as we were using water so we only had one shot at filming. We were well prepared as this would have been very stressful if we weren't. We made sure that everyone who was in our shoot new when they were needed and what they were doing. We had organised blue cards so that there teachers knew that they wouldn't be in their lessons that day. Before we could start shooting we had to put the camera onto the crane so that we could get on with our Ariel shots. This took a while but once it was done we cracked on and got filming.
When we started the shoot I absolutely loved what the set looked like. It actually looked so much better than I had imagened it in my head. This made the group and I feel so much more postive about the shoot. When we started saying about our idea at the very begginning about flooding the bathroom and bedroom none of us were quite sure how we would do this. We had to think of so many ways and then wondered whether or not it would actually look any good which made us all so happy when it turned out the way it did.
We divided them so it was all fair and everyone had a go at doing everything. My main role that day was to make sure that we had got all of the shots that we needed and to tick them of as we went. I enjoyed this role as it gave me some sort of responsibility. Everyone else had their different roles to such as camera man, photographer and director. This meant that we were all in charge of different things and meant we wouldnt argue over who does what. This also meant that we worked very well as a team and everything that needed to get done was done.
I think personally the flooding of the bathroom and bedroom went really well. I thought that this was so hard to do that it wouldnt look as good as we had imagened. We managed to get the right amount of water so that it looked perfect. We looked back on the footage and its my favourtite footage from the day.
I think the most successful part of the day was the flooding. There was a lot of water used so we had to consider how we were going to get rid of all the water. We managed to clear it all away quickly using buckets which worked actually very well. We could only film the flooding footage once and it worked well the first day which was really good as this could have gone wrong and ruined our whole shoot.
We have a lot of footage but we could have possibly got even more. The only reason I think this is because when we are editing its easier when there is loads to choose from instead of just a few clips.
I think that we worked well as a team but this may have been down to us being really good friends. We all took it in turns at playing the different roles and doing the different jobs. We also took it in turn to do the build up work such as album covers etc. This worked really well as it then meant that none of us had loads of work to do but we split it between us.
We shouldn't have to make any changes to our website or artwork which is really good. The reason for this is the way that we planned to do our music video worked really well and meant that it would fit well with all of our other work like we had originally planned.
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