Friday, 22 November 2013

Evaluation of Progress with Editing

When we first looked at our footage that we had got once we had filmed we were all so happy with it. We had got the right footage needed to put our idea into action. When we put it all on Final Cut Pro we looked through all of the footage and there was a few clips that we got rid of due to it not being any good. We wanted a certain look for our video which we had managed to get on the day of the shoot. There was some shots in slow motion which happened to turn out very well as well as the performance element.

To start off we put the narrative in order as we wanted our music video to be more narrative focused. Once we have sorted out the narative and the order which it goes in we would then add the performance element in. We thought this way we can make sure that storyline flows and doesn't look patchy at any point. At first we did it very roughly just so we could get a rough outline and then the further along we got with the editing the more it came together. We had to make sure when editing that when changing
shots it chanaged at the right beat because otherwise it wouldn't look right and would make people feel awkard watching it. Thankfully most of us in the group are very familiar with listening to beats and drops in music and so they knew when it was best to change the shot. It was hard to make sure that the shots didn't change really quickly or to slowly and this is what's taking the longest amount of time to sort out.
We did have a few problems along the way. We as a group really liked the big shot of Isa getting in the bath but when it was at normal speed it just didn't come across as looking right. However we did end up speeding up the bath filling up because of course we couldn't have had normal speed as it would take ages and take up the majority of our video. Another problem that we picked up was that we were flooding the video to early and then running out out of the storyline at the end. We had to go back and use the bedroom footage to our advantage which was fine because we hadn't used any of that footage yet.

We then went to put the performance element in which was quite nerving to do due to the fact we liked our story line and we didn't want to mess up our narrative. We also weren't sure whether the lighting would look werid going from being in a dark atomsphere and then suddenly changing to a brand new light as well as some bright inks being dripped down infront of the performers. Once we had put it all together it didn't look strange and it actually worked very well together. Also by using the performance element it meant that we filled some of the spaces which we had left. We are now carrying on editing and working on another cut of the video to see if there is any other ways that we could put it together. We also need to carry on working on the shot of Isa in the bath and see how we can make it look as if she is dissolving in the bath. So this is something that we really need to work on and make sure that we do it well so it doens't ruin the video that we have already created.

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