Tuesday, 2 October 2012

'Kill Bill : Vol 1'

Analysis of Sound in 'Kill Bill : Vol 1'

In the clip of Kill Bill Volume 1 you can really imagine everything happening as the sound effect is in so much detail. The sound of the banging nail makes you feel very tense and at first you can't quite see whats being nailed down.

 You can hear it being banged into the wood and in the background him out of breath from nailing the nails down. The women in the coffin sounds very scared and breathing heavily because she's most probably very claustrophobic.

3 You can also tell from the sound of the women in the confin that she is trying to stay calm but it's very hard to.  The music at the beginning is very calm and then it goes into a whistling sound which adds to the tension. 

She starts to cry quietly after while and even when the whistling stops she carries on breathing very heavily. You then here all of the soil being put on top of the coffin and it all being dropped. It sounds like it's being dropped from a fairly high height.

 It then stars to go quieter but you can hear the coffin being lowered becaue you can hear the rope putting the coffin in very slowly and gently and the girl starts to go calm but then she starts stuggling lots and crying once the soil is being pushed on. 

She starts to bang the sides to get out and you can hear her but she sounds like she knows she can't do it.

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