Thursday, 28 February 2013

Format changes to 'The Bearing'

We have once again changed our tittle sequence. We decided that the work/editing we had done so far was too slow considering it was meant to be a thriller. We thought that personally if we were watching it it would become boring very quickly. The change overs that continually happen would have become long and boring. We came up with the idea between the group and our teachers that to speed the sequence up we should change the format of it. We had seen before on Top Gear that for some of their series they presented the tittle sequence in boxes. It made it more eye catching to watch as you weren't sure what was going to happen in that series because of the cuts. This sounds very odd but this way you can never see the whole picture and it makes it more misterious and suspicious. It speeds up our thriller aswell which makes it exciting to watch and makes you want to carry on watching the film. We kept all the editing in the same order from before but just changed the format of it.

It wasn't to hard changing it either. It took a while to get to grip with the controls which you have to use but once you've done that it's fine. You just have to fade out the rest of the screen. When we had put all off the boxes in, it looked ten times better than it had done previously. We had to now consider what music would now look best with this format. We hadn't really chosen any music before as we thought it was best to leave that till last because we needed to know the speed that the tittle sequence was going to perform at. We have now chosen music which fits in perfectly with our final tittle sequence but it is something completly different to what we hoped. My group and I think that it fits perfectly and makes the sequence look a lot more interesting but the audience will also not be sure what to expect.

We are very happy with the changes and hope that our audience would prefer this one too.

Placing the Tittles

Today we put our tittles into our sequence and we are now pleased to say that our sequence is now fully completed. We put different tittles in using the same font and colour as this looked the smartest way to present it. We decided to put the actors names in, which we have done next to the box that they feature in. We have put our names in it (our groups) and we chose a production company name. We had fun doing this as we could think of absolutly any names we wanted to and I personally found this fun. We also decided and finalised the name of our film 'The Bearing'. We all liked this name as it doens't give any reference about what the film is about, it leaves it all to the imagination.

The boxes work very well the tittles as the sequence features a black backround throughout. When we put the tittles in we did the layout so they dont cover any of the filming, just the black backround. This means that the audience watching the film will be able to see the tittles a lot more clearly which is perfect for us.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Continuing to Edit

Today we went back to editing our tittle sequence and did some more work on it. It is staring to take off and look good. We have changed a few things to make it look better and more professional. We have managed to get to the last scene of our sequence where the spy gets poisoned  The only problem that we have had is editing the middle scene of the sequence. The middle of our prelim needs sorting out because of small things such as people leaving and coming into the scene. Instead of just concentrating on that and dwelling on it we decided to move on and we will come back to it. We have edited the part where we have the chefs cooking in the kitchen and the spys sat at the table. We have focused on this scene this lesson as we have got everything for that scene. We have done cross cutting between the poison arriving at the restaurant and the chefs preparing food in the kitchen. We have also got lots of shots of the chefs cooking different foods and preparing like nothings going to happen. This makes it all look very natrual.

Would you watch our film?

Would you watch our film?
We asked 20 boys and 20 girls in our primary audience. They were aged between 12-20. We asked them whether or not they would consider watching our film. It was very popular with boys. They said that they would watch it. Just over half of the girls that we asked said they would which was very positive feedback. 

Saturday, 2 February 2013

First Stages of Editing

Today we went to the editing suite to do some more editing on our title sequence. As a group we started editing last week. We watched through all of the clips and decided which ones we thought were best and then got rid of those that we didn't need. To edit we use the programme 'Final Cut Pro'. We learnt how to use this when we did our prelim so it was quick and easy for us to get started. Today we did more editing on our final title sequence. Now this means that we can see the vague line of what our final project is going to look like. It's turning out better than we thought as we wern't sure.
Today we changed it slightly from our storyboard but it looks ten times better. This is the whole point i think as we have now experimented and found the best way for us. Instead of cross-cutting between the spy getting to the restaurant and the cook preparing the food. We did it so we cross cut between one of the passovers getting to the restaurant and the food being prepared.
We put this setting on so that it looked like the time was passing. We then made the clip blur out and so the time passing effect worked really well. We were very happy with this and I don't think it looks tacky or anything which is good.
Today we watched the go pro camera clips which are of the car being driven to the restaurant and it arriving. We put these into our title sequence and cut them so they fitted better. This was then perfect and all fitted in. Next time we need to watch it through a few times more to make sure that the timings are all right and that it fits ok.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Updated shooting Schedule

We changed our shooting schedule as we had to be careful of where we were at each part of the day. The reason for this was because we didn't want to be filming at the pub for to long as we didn't want to disrupt the business. We made sure that we got that over in the morning. When filming outside we had to be careful that is didn't go dark early as well  We had to take this all into consideration but it turned out to be successful. 

Filming Times For Location 1, 9:30 - 1pm.
1st location is The William Bray restaurant, Shere:
- Cafe scene filmed outside restaurant. 7,8,9,10
- Kitchen scene in the William Bray. 21,22,23,24,25
- Restaurant scene and poisoning. 16,17,18,26,27,28,29,30,31

Filming Times For GoPro Footage (location 2), 1:30 - 2pm
- Road shots on the way to the William Bray. 6,12,14

Filming Times For Location 3, 2:30 - 3:30pm.
3rd location is Peaslake Manor House:
- Letter Box. 1,2,4,5
- Window. 3

Filming Times For Location 4, 4:00 - 4:30pm.
4th Location is the back entrance to the school kitchen:
- Back Entrance. 19,20

Filming Times For Location 5, 4:40 - 5pm.
5th location is school car park
- Passover between two men. 11,13,14